Flask-Mux example

In this example, we are going to re-write the app we are using in Pure Flask example using Flask-Mux.

We will create the Flask instance and instantiate the extensions in app.py module:

from flask import Flask
from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager
from flask_mux import Mux
from routes import index_router, auth_router, users_router

app = Flask(__name__)
jwt = JWTManager(app)
mux = Mux(app)

mux.use('/', index_router)
mux.use('/auth', auth_router)
mux.use('/api/users', users_router)

We also imported the routers for different namespaces that we are going to create now.

In the current directory, create a new Python package and call it routes:

$ mkdir routes
$ touch routes/__init__.py

For each router, we’ll create a seperate module in the routes package.


from flask_mux import Router

index_router = Router(__name__)

def home():
    return 'home page'

index_router.get('/' home)


from flask_mux import Router
from flask_jwt_extended import create_access_token, jwt_required

auth_router = Router(__name__)

def login():
    identity = {'user_id': 1234}
    return { 'access_token': create_access_token(identity) }

def logout():
    return { 'message': 'logged out' }

auth_router.post('/login', login)
auth_router.get('/logout', jwt_required, logout)

The Router class provides a set of methods (post, get…) to handle each request. All those methods follow the same pattern, the 1st parameter is the endpoint to be handled and the 2nd paramater is a variadic paramater of middlewares. Notice how we passed 2 functions in the last line!


you can pass an unlimited amount of functions as long as they are middlewares.


from flask_mux import Router
from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required

users_router = Router(__name__)

def profile(id):
    return { 'user_id': id }

users_router.get('/<int:id>', jwt_required, profile)